Happy Belated Birthday Caleb!
So I'm a little late with this post. Caleb's 3rd birthday was the 7th and I just didn't get around to posting on his actual birthday like I intended. Well, several weeks later, here it is.
August 7th, I was due on the 5th and quite unhappy that little mister hadn't shown up. Luckily I had convinced my midwife the day before to "help things get going" and ended up being admitted to the hospital on the 7th leaking fluid. Seeing that I was already 6cm dialated, it only took 4 hours for Caleb Adam to appear! All 7 lbs, 12 oz, 21 inches of him at 5:43 pm.
Arguably more handsome than Clark Kent! Just watch out for the drool as he flies over.
First Christmas pajamas! Always so smiley!!!!
6 months old
1st Birthday - loving the cake!
Dear Caleb,
You are three now, no longer a baby, but becoming a big boy. You keep us laughing with your antics and silly faces. Your sense of humor is beyond your years. Just the other day I was telling Grandma a story and wondering why she was suppressing laughter. I turn to see you imitating every hand gesture and facial expression I was making - all with a completely straight face. I had to laugh. You make "The Caleb", the expression when you ask a question, wrinkling up your forehead and tilting your head to the side. It makes us laugh. I try and talk to you about things you have done wrong and you start crossing your eyes. I go to "discipline" you and you say, "But I wuv you Mommy! I wuv you!" When I go get you in the morning you say, "I was vewee, vewee quiet, Mommy!" My little Elmer Fudd. You love playing trains with Carter and also love your airplanes. You love reading books and still love watching Little Bear. Your "Ka" (blanket) is still very much needed at naptime and bedtime, especially the tag on "Ka". This past year you decided to use the potty, thankfully earlier than your brother did, and don't even need a diaper at night! You are my "fruit boy" choosing blueberries or grapes, even prunes over many other foods. While we are having issues with being silly at the table and not finishing your dinner, normally you are a great eater. You currently love singing "Awesome God" with Carter and are very proud to get to go to the "big boy" Sunday School class with Carter now. You give kisses liberally and often tell me I look handsome. You say, "Tank you for dis good dinner, Mommy" even if it is just bowl of cereal at breakfast. You cuddle, love babies and jump on the bed. You want your way and obey only when I get up to discipline you. You are crazy, fun and so stinking cute ( I totally should have gotten you into modeling - I know I'm biased). I fear we have rebellious years ahead of us just because you really like to be contrary.
Right now, you are my Caleb Poo and I love you to pieces! Happy 3rd Birthday!