A few quick quotes
OK - I have so many posts I need to do - the rest of our school days, Caleb's 3rd birthday, and more. But I was gone most of the day today and I'm tired. So I'm just going to share a few recent happenings in our lives.
I was putting Carter's sunscreen on this afternoon to go out on the boat and he was saying he wanted to swim in the quiet cove where there weren't any waves. He was having a difficult time being afraid of waves taking the boat away but had been fine the past few times we went out. I reminded him of this - that he had been fine the last time we went out on the boat.
He said, "I got the hand of it."
Me, "What?"
Carter, "Got the hand of it."
Me again, "What?"
Carter, "I got the hand of it. You know, when you're okay with something."
Me, "Oh, you've got the HANG of it."
Carter, "Yeah, I've got the hand of it."
Carter a few minutes later after going to the bathroom and observing the results in the potty
"Oh my goodness, look how big that is! How did that come out of my tushy?"
Speaking of... we finally had our first "I have to go poopy!" while out on the boat. So I had my first parental experience taking a child to go poopy in the woods. The things moms do.
Our verse for this week and letter T is "Thou shall not steal." and we are discussing the ten commandments. Carter kept saying the verse over and over this morning. He just liked how it sounded for some reason. This evening when we got home from the lake the boys went into the living room while I set our stuff down.
All of a sudden I hear Carter yelling, "Thou shall not steal! Thou shall not steal! Thou shall not steal!"
I go into the living room to see Caleb trying to take an airplane away from Carter and Carter trying to hold it out of his reach and yelling, "Thou shall not steal!"
He gets the whole Biblical application thing.
Oh, my goodness, that is so funny!! All of it =)